Friday, September 28, 2007

The Disabled

The one group of minorities that we rarely hear about is the disabled. I often wonder what would happen in certain situations (I.E. 9/11) if you where disabled and stuck in the buildings without an elevator; however I rarely hear anything of the sort make it to the local or national media. I believe there is a definite stigma going around about disabled people in todays society and that is, that they are not disabled, they are just "faking" it. I work for a police department and you wouldn't believe how many times Ive heard someone say that they see people all the time with handicap placards they do not need them. My question is "do they?". Do these handicapped people need the "convenience" of a closer parking space. The answer I believe, is yes. Yes they do need these little things that make their lives easier. Its the least we can do as a society to help take a little stress of these people that are not as privileged as you and me.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stereotypes in Mass Media

Stereotyping to me is a nessecary evil. Stereotyping in the media however, i find not only incorrect but harmful to our society. I do not mean that the news shouldn't show an african american male robbing a store. I mean that it should not show this and the turn around and show 5 more african males being put in jail. A lot of people argue that these things should be put in the media because it is a part of freedom of speech. The freedom we have for speaking does not mean we can say and do whatever we want. I believe it means we can say and do whatever we want as long as it does not directly negatively affect another individual or group of individuals.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My news habits

I generally get my news from three sources: TV, internet, and Quick newspaper. I read/watch news at least once a day.
Online news I get from Yahoo! front page, and I read articles about science, technology and astronomy. Offline news I get from the Quick newspaper; I read the sports section, local and funnies. I probably seek news out around three hours a week.
My assumptions for race/gender/sexualities/disabilities in the media is that the demographics need to be filled. It doesn't matter if a group of people are offended by something in the media, because a demographic wants to see/hear that, otherwise it wouldn't be in existence.